Almost every week I’ve been goin’ along on the Wednesday night, I missed one completely workin’ up to the recent exhibition of artwork and another when they, the staff, want’d to close early so I eschewed the playing quite easily.
It’s a bit of a chore being alone and doin’ weird stuff but as much as thats a hurdle once I set up and start the music itself brings strength and some healthy learnin’ curves so I’m going to keep doin’ it.
I almost want to keep it to myself for that reason alone. It’s hard work that teaches me humility and bein’ brave at the same time and I like that kinda stuff.
But hopefully a few who’ve been interested, Joe, Kristin, Tom and John, will slowly come in to help alleviate my doubts and we can build this into something… what I don’t actually know, or even care, but it’ll be interesting nonetheless.
So it’s still on and Kristin has said she’ll be there with me this Wednesday the 24th of March 2010. I might rename this thing Looper Dooper!… when and if I ever get around to pushing it again with paper with scratches across ’em.